I'm With the Banned

I'm With the Banned

A list by IDEA Team, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Advocates

These are our favorite books have been challenged or banned for various reasons. Freedom to choose what you read is a precious thing to libraries and we encourage you to give these books a chance.


Restricted in at least one school district as only ‘suitable for older readers’, despite it being read at the presidential inauguration.

Banned or challenged across the country, with one of the top complaints being it deals with domestic abuse.

Banned and challenged for violence, profanity, and promoting anti-police messaging.

Found in one school district, parents complained about the vulgar and graphic content.

This has been banned across the country, and in some schools, banned even for personal reading. It has been challenged for being sexually explicit, suicide, drugs and alcohol.

Banned for sensitive materials, seeming to hinge on that fact that at one point a character is falsely accused of molestation.

Banned or challenged due to strong language, ‘negative’ portrayal of religious faith, and suicidal ideation.

Banned or challenged due to age inappropriate material, sexually explicit content, and offensive language.

Banned for containing critical race theory.

The second most banned book in the country. Banned for LGBTQ content and for being sexually explicit.

This book has been banned or challenged in various school districts, and in Virginia was included in a lawsuit where a state legislator tried to stop Barnes and Noble from even selling it. Challenged for being obscene.

The other book singled out in the above mentioned lawsuit. This is also the ALA most challenged and censored book of 2021. Banned and challenged for LGBTQIA+ content.